NIL for College Athletes

Aug 18, 2023

The NCAA has recently announced a new set of rules regarding student-athlete compensation, known as the Name, Image, and Likeness (NIL) rules. These rules are set to go into effect on July 1, 2021, and will allow student-athletes to profit off of their own name, image, and likeness.

What are the NIL rules?

The NIL rules will allow student-athletes to make money off of their name, image, and likeness, without affecting their eligibility to play college sports. This means that student-athletes can participate in paid sponsorships, endorsements, and other business ventures.

What does this mean for student-athletes?

For student-athletes, the NIL rules provide an opportunity to earn money while still in college. This can be especially beneficial for athletes in sports that don't have a professional league, as they can now earn money off of their own brand.

What does this mean for colleges and universities?

For colleges and universities, the NIL rules present a new challenge in terms of compliance and regulation. Schools will need to ensure that student-athletes are following the rules and not engaging in any activities that could jeopardize their eligibility.

What are the potential benefits of the NIL rules?

The NIL rules have the potential to benefit both student-athletes and colleges/universities. For student-athletes, the ability to profit off of their own name, image, and likeness can provide financial stability and career opportunities. For colleges and universities, the NIL rules can be a recruiting tool, as schools can now offer student-athletes the opportunity to earn money while in college.

What are the potential drawbacks of the NIL rules?

One potential drawback of the NIL rules is that it could create an uneven playing field, with larger schools and more high-profile athletes potentially receiving more lucrative endorsement deals. Additionally, there is concern that the NIL rules could lead to a "pay-for-play" system, where schools offer student-athletes financial incentives to attend their institution.

What are the next steps?

With the NIL rules set to go into effect on July 1, 2021, colleges and universities are scrambling to prepare for the new regulations. Schools will need to establish compliance procedures and educate student-athletes on the rules and regulations surrounding name, image, and likeness.


The NIL rules represent a significant shift in the world of college sports, providing student-athletes with new opportunities to profit off of their own brand. While there are potential drawbacks to the new regulations, the overall impact of the NIL rules remains to be seen.
